Sexy Werewolfs in moonlight

Artist life is funny sometimes. I was drinking my coffee and thinking about vampires and Quotes I read some time ago. So my twisted and hunted mind wanted to make this.

It is madness for sheep to talk peace with a wolf or human to vampires or warewolfs.

werewolfs in moonlight

Marionette and master

Control your own destiny or someone else will.


Fairy and hunter

Someday little fairy I will catch you!


I have allways love playing with light and shadows

There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast.

There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast.

Water is the driving force of all nature.

Water is the driving force of all nature.

Water is the driving force of all nature.

Newton and apple

Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why. – Bernard Baruch

Apple and lights


Human see, human do.

You know the saying, “Human see, human do.”


Digital art – My sweet spring toy


Digital art – Attack of the 50 feet woman

My holiday is over and I am full of wicked ideas.

Here is my this year’s first digital art work and hope you like it as much I do.


Digital art – Greetings to another reality
